Area of Concentration: Ecology and Socioenvironmental
Research Line – Evaluation and Use of Bio-Aquatic Resources
Building Participation in Institutionalization of Conservation Units in the State of Pará
Coordinator: Maria Cristina Alves Maneschy
Starting date: 01/01/2013
Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development
Integration and Contribution of the Didactic Collection of Zoology and Herbarium in Teaching Biological Sciences in the Campus of Bragança, Pará
Coordinator: Marcus Emanuel Barroncas Fernandes
Starting date: 01/01/2008
Research Line: Mangrove Ecology
Analysis of the Vegetation in the Ciliary Forest of Caeté River, Pará
Coordinator: Ulf Mehlig
Starting date: 01/01/2010
Funding: There are no associated funders